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Old 05-18-2007, 03:21 PM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
I appreciate your attention on this matter.

I still do not understand why is Kinook making this issue sound impossible, buggy, unstable, or even non-trivial. I respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree with that. This is why ...

1) In the process of trying to work around this issue, I visited 4 download sites looking for 'rich text editor'. There is a billion of them out there. Personally, I used open office, Atlantis, Abiword, Wordpad, msword for years. None of them was buggy or unstable (other than what you would expect from any software) to the extent that these features were stripped off. Why is UR any different?

2) I recently built a CMS solution for a customer and used TinyMCY and FCKEditor to provide RTF features in a web browser. These 2 controls have features that are advanced like tables, styles, links, highlight (forground/background), spell check and so many others. If technology allows us to provide such features in a web browser, we can't we provide it in a full blown fat client running on windows XP or Vista in year 2007.

3) Most of the vendors in this software category provide it as 'for granted' feature. It has become so expected that it really does not do any good to brag about it. MyTreeDB, MyBase, Treepad and so many others have it at much even cheaper cost of ownership. Why should we lower our expectation using UR at $100 price tag?

4) For my own usage, this the minimal I expect as far RTF features (in addition to what we currently have in UR)...

- create and apply text styles. Just allow me at least to do 10 of them and I'm happy.

- Indent lines both directions.

- Modify line spacing. I just could not believe it when you suggested to some of your users that they have to copy their content to some other app, adjust spacing, then put it back in UR. This is just not acceptable.

I really can not offer any more compromises or lower my expectation any more. This is the bare minimum I use on a daily basis.

I do realize more can be offered but I will not ask for it. I did not mention native table support even though others provide it. I can live without it for now.

For some reason, Kinook can not get past this RTF issue. I do not see it mentioned in any of the app I have and all do support it. From PIMs, to clipboard extenders, to IDE's, to web editors, to web publishing tools, to automation utilities, to simple note taking apps, to even Wordpad. None of them has issues with it. Why is Kinook so stuck on it?

Finally, please remember that all my comments and contributions on this forum are ALL within the context of my admiration and respect to you. However, things won't change till you hear from your users.

Thanks again
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