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Old 05-19-2007, 12:35 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 517
Ok. Let tackle it one by one ...
"...we can't use just any application that has a rich text editoR...". I realize that, but my point was if all these apps and there are lot were successful in implementing RTF features as evidenced by my own use for years, why is difficult for UR to do the same?

"...What do you mean by 'apply text styles...". This is the ability to save MULTIPLE format attributes of a text (not text) and apply them on an other selection. This includes font size, color, indentation, bullets, ..etc. This saves you from having to reapply all these attributes individually.

"...and how do you access it in WordPad?..." It is funny how some one mentioned Jarta. I mentioned this part because Jarta was built using same engine of Wordpad. This is an excerpt from the web site ...
At the heart of Jarte sits the same word processing engine used by Windows' WordPad. The difference is that Jarte builds far more capability around the WordPad editing engine than the WordPad program itself does. The significance of this fact is that Jarte users are secure in the knowledge that Jarte is making use of the same reliable, time tested editing engine used by millions of other Windows users all over the world. If you have tried other alternative word processors and found them to be unstable that may be in part due to their use of unreliable, home grown editing engines.

Microsoft is continually upgrading the WordPad editing engine, although you would never know it by examining WordPad. The WordPad program itself has not changed since it was first introduced. Jarte, on the other hand, continues to evolve and take advantage of useful features as Microsoft adds them to the WordPad editing engine.

Yet, Jarta provide so many features on top some which are ...

Format brush tool quickly applies formatting to paragraphs

Optional paragraph spacing before and after paragraphs

Paragraph indentation including first line and hanging indent styles

See here for complete list
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