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Old 05-21-2007, 11:22 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by cnewtonne
Default shorcuts
I was kind of surprised to know that this control supported a default set of shortcuts. I tested most of them and they work just fine in Wordpad. For example, 'cntrl+1|2' in Wordpad will change line spacing. Also, 'cntrl+=' will apply superscript format. The least you can do is to allow users to use them in UR. Why override them and delete an entire functionality out of UR. If the control supports 'cntrl+1|2' for line spacing, why are you asking users to copy/paste their content to an external app to do it.
You can enable Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, and Ctrl+5 to change line spacing in the UR rich text editor by unbinding those shortcuts from their default commands (go to Tools | Customize | Keyboard, select View | Data Explorer, select Ctrl+1 key assignment, and click Remove; repeat for View | Item Details and View | Other Windows | Item Notes).

As a deliverable out of this discussion, can we proceed with these steps ...

- Can we first of all agree on this list of editing features.
- If we can, can we get a commitment from you to escalate this issue on top of your feature list for next maintenance release.

There is not total agreement on which RTF features are the most important (or whether RTF enhancements should even be at the top of the list). RTF editing enhancements are on our list, along with many other feature requests, and we'll prioritize as best we can.
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