Thread: UR Tab Features
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Old 05-23-2007, 02:23 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: UR Tab Features

Originally posted by cnewtonne
1- I want creating a new tab to default to start a new blank one instead of a copy of the existing one. How do I do that?
That's not currently possible, but it is fairly high on the list.

2- On a typical day, I have about 15-20 tabs open. Some tabs I want to have open all the time to refer to them at any time. On so many times, I loose track of these tabs and end up refreshing their content as you move around in the tree. Is there away to lock a tab so that it never closes or changes content accidentally. If not, would you please be kind enough to consider it as a feature request?
Wow, that's a lot of tabs. You might instead consider using Favorites (and optionally, the auto-hoist favorite option [Tools | Options | Miscellaneous]) to navigate between commonly accessed items. Locking a tab would not be simple, since there are so many ways to navigate elsewhere within a tab, but it is on our list.
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