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Old 06-12-2007, 09:59 PM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
Due to the serious of this issue, the best evidence you can ever have is it to be able to reproduce it. But since this is so inconsistent and sporadic, may be there is some way it can be done after the fact. First of all, would you please share with us some facts about your DB like ..
- how big is it?
- Have you had any unusual events happening around the time you observed this corruption like crashes or errors.
- How long have you been using this DB or UR in general?

Kinook has offered me once a debug version of UR. May be you can ask for it and run it on your system.

I also use some other products that are based on same DB engine of sqllite. Most of the time, developers have some diagnostic SQL scripts they use to troubleshoot issues like this.

It looks like you had some communication with Kinook prior to posting here, were you able to share you DB with them for troubleshooting? Even though non-reproducible, having a 'good' and a 'bad' DB will certainly make it easier to troubleshoot.

Other than these ideas, not sure what else you or Kinook can really do.

I wish your DB well and best of luck.
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