Thread: UR Tab Features
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Old 06-14-2007, 07:46 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: Favorites & New Tab

Originally posted by zargron
On the topic of tabs - I'd like the option of having a favorite open in a new tab.

Currently you can open the "Organize Favorites" dialog box, put a tick in the "New Tab" check box and click [Go] to open the item in a new tab. I'd like to have a new column of check boxes titled "New Tab". I would put a tick alongside those favorites that I want opening in a new tab. I find myself doing the following:
- opening a new tab by clicking the little earlobe next to the last tab on the right
- clicking on my favorites toolbar to go to my commonly used (often a search) item
- doing what I gota do, including navigate around a bit
- closing that tab to go back to whatever I was working on before
Hold down the Control key when clicking on the Favorite to open it in a new tab.

Sorry thought of another one. What about having another new column of check boxes titled "Hoist Tree"? In other words, move this setting down from the global "options" level so that you can determine exactly which favorites you do and do not want hoisting.
Keep the option off and use Ctrl+Shift+H or the Tree toolbar button to hoist when desired.
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