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Old 06-20-2007, 09:25 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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The main reason that permanent deleting can take an extended time period (as well as some other "data manipulation" functions) is the full Undo-Redo capabilities of Ultra Recall. When you empty the Recycle Bin of 1500 items storing 40GB of data, all of this data being deleted is "moved" into the Undo "temporary tables", so Undo/Redo is available.

Perhaps emptying the Recycle Bin should not be undoable (this would likely speed up this process significantly).

You mention the Empty Recycle Bin and Compact & Repair functions as being slow, I would ask about the performance of normal usage functions (adding, navigating, viewing, searching, etc). Ultra Recall has been significantly optimized for these more routine functions, and I imagine that these functions are at least as efficient as competing applications.

Regarding the published "limits" of Ultra Recall - we really didn't envision users trying to stored hundreds of gigabytes of information in a Personal Information Manager application, but as I mentioned before - I would expect that normal functions would continue to have reasonable performance (view, search, navigate, etc) even when storing these enormous amounts of data...

Finally, unless it is imperative that the file actually shrink in size (ie, you are not going to add more data to the file), compacting really is not necessary - the unused space will be reclaimed by the new items anyway.
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