Currently this is a read-only
template attribute. I would like for this attribute to be a user editable string. I want to be able to set a formula that will calculate the
Item Title for all items that I create based on the selected
I imagine that this formula be of a similar ilk to that used in SQL to calculate field values. Initially I would like one function to be made available for participation in my formula. (At a later time I’d imagine a small set of string handling functions being made available.)
format(attributename, formatstr)
Return the value associated with
attributename formatted according to
formatstr. The focus of this function being to format date, time and numerical values.
For example, imagine I’ve derived my own
Business Appointments template that uses the following key attributes: Begin Date, Begin Time, Company and Location. I’ve decided I would like to populate these attributes in my custom data entry form and have UR take care of their identification in the
Data Explorer Pane. I therefore might establish a
Title Attribute formula as follows:
format([Begin Date], "mm/dd/yy")+ " - "+ Format([Begin Time], "hh:mm")+ " - "+ [Company]+ " ("+ [Location]+ ")"
So, with values such as:
3/19/2007, 4:30pm, Kinook, Blue Oyster Bar
I’d end up with an automatically calculated item title of:
03/19/07 - 16:30 - Kinook (Blue Oyster Bar)
If the user inputs an incorrectly constructed formula, UR would revert to the existing "Item Title" behaviour.
As well as adding some string handling functions, I’d imagine that a second version of this enhancement would involve a high quality, (as is the nature of Kinook output), pretty little dialog box that helps the user with construction of their formula.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :[###]>
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<[###]:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

^ My contribution to the Road Map ^
