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Old 06-26-2007, 10:23 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by ambalboa
Thank you.

A follow-up question: Are the system macros initialized when the Visual Build Pro is installed on a computer, and are read-only? If so, I don't need to bother with them, right?
They're initialized at startup of VBP and are read-only.

Also, when I check on the configuration file path, I only see a .macros and .steps file but no .scripts file. Is this because my .bld file has no global script written for it?
Right, the file is not created until global script code is added and VBP is exited or a project is saved.

And the system scripts, they are stored in the VisBuildPro.System.scripts file. Where is this located, or should I care?
The System subfolder of the VBP installation path, but you shouldn't need to care.
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