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Old 06-27-2007, 04:10 PM
ambalboa ambalboa is online now
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Comparing file modification dates

Every time I run the Make VB6 action step, executables are created and stored on a folder. They are renamed before they are moved to avoid overwriting files. At this point, there are too many files on there, and I would like to be able to process the files, get their modification date, which I am able to do, and delete the oldest one. However, when I try to find the file with the oldest modification date, I'm not successful. I don't get errors, the step runs fine, but the oldest file is not selected out of all of them.

I need to be sure I find the oldest modified file before deleting it. I'm using 'Run Script' action step, I get the dates, I do an If/else comparison. I will then delete the file and make the process repeat after a predetermined number of files are left (the most current). Thank you for your help and time.
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