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Old 03-09-2004, 08:08 PM
thomasst thomasst is online now
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Join Date: 03-09-2004
Posts: 6
Working Folder Bug in VBPro?

I created a SourceSafe action in my .bld file, and left the Path for local files empty. The VBPro help file states the following:
"Path for local files or label to apply: For all operations except Label, this specifies the drive+path to place files that are retrieved from the database; if the field is left empty, the user's current working folder settings will be used instead (for reliability, especially with automated builds, it is highly recommended that the path be specified here). For Label operations, enter the label to apply in this field."
I am automating builds and I want to leave this field empty so that this step will use my working folder (ignoring the all-knowing help file's advice). I have done everything in VSS from opening the VSS database with the correct account and setting working folders to going into the ss.ini files in the correct 'user' folder of the VSS database. I have made SURE that the working folders have been set correcltly.
Here's the problem:
No matter what I set the VSS working folder to, If 'Path for local files' is left empty, SourceSafe Action will 'get' the files to the directory that contains the .bld file in use. Is this what the help manual means by 'the user's current working folder settings'?
Please, if anyone knows, let me know if it is possible to just set working folders in VSS and then make one SourceSafe action that has multiple lines of 'Projects and files to process' and have each project go to its' respective working folder.
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