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Old 07-03-2007, 11:20 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by dasymington
I'm disappointed there hasn't been any further action on this or comment from Kinook, particularly as it's just happened to me.


A -> O -> B -> C

A open in tab. C open in another tab. Then I opened B in a third tab and hoisted it. I then switched to the C tab, displayed item B and hoisted it. Going back to the original B tab I found it had the contents of A in it. All of B's contents lost!
Apparently you also made changes in some item(s) between some of these steps? Can you provide any more detail on steps that might help us reproduce (exactly how you opened and switched between tabs, what other tabs [if any] were open, what sort of editing was done in items, are these text items being edited internally, etc.)?

BTW, at the point where B displayed the wrong data (before closing the database), you should be able to undo to get back B contents (and then copy its contents, redo, and paste back into B to keep other changes).

On closing down and re-opening the database, B had the correct contents of what should have been in A, and A had the contents before the last edit of A.

I've tried this all again but it didn't do it this time. I had re-open tabs checked in Options.

Hope this helps to track it down quickly. We definitely need some restrictions on what can happen when an item is open in multiple tabs.
We've tried many different permutations but haven't succeeded so far in determining what additional step(s) result in this behavior. But we'll keep trying.
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