Originally posted by schreinereiner
Interesting that you're mentioning SyncBack. It's exactly what I've been using so far. However I only did a regular one-way backup with no versioning whatsoever. Obviously not the smartest choice...
How are you using it? I'm always willing to learn!
As to only having one backed up version:
The incremental backup in trueimage actually saves all the different versions since the last full backup. So if I make a full backup on Monday and six incremental backups during the week (assuming I change data in the Ultra Recall database daily) by Sunday I will end up with seven different versions of the database to restore. See http://searchstorage.techtarget.com/...286189,00.html
Running full backups every day just seems a little overkill to me.
you are right about differential/incremental backup. The free version of SyncBack only does simple back-up. That's why I mentioned another free soft at the beginning, VersionBackup, which is good for having several versions of the same file (this does the incremental versioning). All that follows you can probably do in one commercial software. But I dont have money to waste on programs where there is a freeware that does the same. UR is one of very few programs that I pay for, as there is no comparable freeware

My strategy is this:
I set up the VersionBackup for incremental backup of the files that I want to have several versions of (on the same HDD). With SyncBack, I basically copy my whole drive to another drive, ie. updating the files that has changed and deleting those that were removed. So I always have the backup image of my main HDD (this saved me few months ago, when my laptop HDD died).
Both programs can be scheduled, but I'm little paranoid, so I run it myself manually. There is an option "programs to run before ...", so I set in SyncBack profile to run VersionBackup. So every day, once click of a button, the new versions of files that changed (those that I want to have several versions of) are created, and right after that, it updates the backup of my whole HDD to another drive.