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Old 07-05-2007, 12:00 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: How do you choose a failure step?

Originally posted by ambalboa
I would like to create a failure step for a checkout step, but I am not sure how to do that. I have mulitiple checkouts happening in my project, not one after the other. Do I need to create a seperate undo checkout failure step, and set it up as if it were a checkout step? Meaning, declare the branch, repository and files that were checked out but instead of selecting the checkout command, I choose uncheckout? If that's the case, then I do need one for each checkout performed, right? Is there a way to make one failure step for all checkouts? Can two or more but not all failure steps be build when one action step fails.
Include an undo checkout step in your failure steps which conditionally builds only if the failed step was a checkout step, and have it use the properties of that failed step to undo what was checked out.

Also, if an action step fails and that action step is grouped with other steps with the 'Group' action step, would I only need to declare the failure step on the 'Group' step to have each step in the group build that failure step? Every failure step is checked to be build, but if a certain step calls for just one failure step to be build, then only that one step is build while the others are ignored, right? Could there be a conflict when an action step and failure step have a condition build rule, as in, which has the higher priority? Do both of them need one to ensure that the specified failure step is build? Certain steps like '"Group' steps never fail, I assume, so do I need to declare a failure step for every single step, so that not every failure step is build?
The failure step(s) that are built when a step fails are based on the failed step's failure properties.

Is there a way in which a failure step can be build by evaluating if a certain step has been build? I'm guessing it can be done with a build rule written in vbscript, but how? Thank you for your time and help.
Yes, using a conditional build rule.
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