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Old 03-12-2004, 11:38 AM
Sotorin Sotorin is online now
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Join Date: 05-07-2003
Posts: 7
Scope of script objects and VisBuild steps

I have a script w/ some additional functionality which is easy to add to a project via Insert->Build In->Script. This script is rather large and it takes few minutes before it completes its work.

1. How can I split this script up into smaller steps BUT in such way that variables do not go out of scope? I have a case that several functions (I'd like them to become steps in a project) will operate on the same file and I don't want to save and reopen this file every single time when when step means executing separate script file. In that case all my variables would go out of scope when I end script execution and I would have to set them again when I begin executing next step (next script).

2. I have seen various tabs in Script Editor and one of them is Project Tab. Can I instantiate an object or set a variable of global (Project) scope and have be available in to all scripts which will execute throughout the project?

I'd appreciate some pointers here but I'll try to experiment on my own as well.
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