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Old 07-12-2007, 03:05 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by hansgeorgmack
Same thing here. UR constantly access violating or silently crash-disappearing without notice. Very difficult to find any pattern in the crashes. Most seem related to embedded functionality (Internet Explorer), but all in all I can pretty much do what I want and have UR crash. Happens on basically all my databases.

Tried compacting+repairing, but first thing I got after it was a crash and no improvement since. Tried downgrading to 3.1 by installing over current setup but UR still displays 3.1.1 as its version (I may be wrong, but the problems seem to have appeared with 3.1.1).
If v3.1.1 is uninstalled before installing v3.1, it should downgrade. Alternatively, delete the UR install path and reinstall v3.1 to downgrade.

You can also try the trace build mentioned in the 4th post of this thread.

If I uninstall+reinstall, does UR lose all its settings or are they preserved in the registry?
With v3.0 and later, there is a prompt during uninstall about whether to delete customization data. Choose No to keep your settings.

There are other annoying errors like Ultra Recall suddenly displaying OLE server-busy messages (and thus blocking) randomly for completely disassociated applications (like Illustrator) that neither have been started nor otherwise been connected with UR (with the apps not being busy and the message disappearing only by terminating UR). All in all, UR is very near to being unusable which is sad, as I depend on it.

OS is Vista (no problems with UR under XP).
Is this something new that previously wasn't happening? Did anything change on your system when it started? Do you have another computer to try it on to see if it is specific to that machine?
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