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Old 07-16-2007, 10:15 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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The 50 character truncation that occurs is by design as a way to minimize the impact of the 260 max path character limit imposed by Windows (technically you can create longer paths and UR could do that, but then the exported files would not be accessible by most other programs - including Windows Explorer and Microsoft Office)...

Since there technically is "no way" that the ttForm error could occur when Repairing a database, we would be interested in having you send the smallest reproducing .urd file (zipped) to for our evaluation (obviously it is occurring so there must be a way)...

The error loading items (out of memory) issue has been reported by one other user but we have not been successful in reproducing the error - it should never cause data loss. Any identified reproducible sequence of actions would be most helpful along with any other info that be provided...
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