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Old 07-17-2007, 07:31 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
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Close tab problem

Originally posted by hansgeorgmack
BTW: A minor, easily reproducable bug I found in UR 3.1.1 is when you have multiple tabs open and close the second-to-last tab using the 'x' at the right (not the "Close Tab" entry from the popup menu), an empty tab with the original tab's name will appear to the right. Now clicking on the initially last tab (now to the left) will restore the initial tab setup but with the tab names exchanged. This can be repeated indefinitely.
I wasn't able to reproduce this behavior. Please ZIP and send or post:
1) The info from Help | About | Install Info
2) Run RegEdit and export the registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kinook Software\Ultra Recall\Options"
3) A .urd file (with tabs open as needed to reproduce the problem)

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