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Old 03-22-2004, 07:12 AM
rajivraj rajivraj is online now
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Adding Steps dynamically...


Am Rajiv...

I am an amatuer VisualBuild user

I need to dynamically generate steps during the build process. To keep it simple, I want to add multiple "Make VS.NET" steps and associated them to the proj file.

For now, I have managed to add a new Make VS.NET step to the existing steps.

Set steps=Application.Project.Steps(vbldStepMain)
steps.Add "Make VS.NET",6

Now, I need to set the other properties for the step. I guess,
steps.Item(6).Property(ByVal name As String)="<path of .csproj file"

For name, I tried "Filename" and it worked. Where can I find a listing of all properities?

This code I have added in a "Run Script" action. This will generate the steps and which wil subsequently be built.

Is my overall approach correct?

Rajiv. R

Last edited by rajivraj; 03-22-2004 at 07:14 AM.
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