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Old 06-24-2007, 10:47 PM
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Keyboard Shortcut for Drop Down Calendar

I've had a bit of a look for this, and in the assumption that it doesn't already exist...

Might I suggest that the <F4> key be set to drop-down the calendar in date fields in a similar manner to that which <F4> can be already used to drop-down combo boxes.
Users can already press <Alt+C> to bring up a small calendar window. Perhaps pressing of <Enter> key or clicking on the [Insert] button could deposit the selected date into the date field that had focus before the calendar window was shown?

PS: is just my installation or do others experience the following?
- Click on a item that has a form associated with it
- Click in the Item Text area and start typing
- Press <Alt+C> to bring up the calendar, select & insert a date
- The date gets put in the first edit control of my data entry form, rather than the Item Text area!
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