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Old 07-11-2006, 05:31 PM
DougFarmer123 DougFarmer123 is online now
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Join Date: 07-10-2006
Location: Minneapolis
Posts: 9
Copy Files Option with Rename?

Another DOS command I am trying to replace is a COPY command. However, this copy command also renames the file as it copies. For example, I have a basic configuation file I want to copy as the current configuration file. The DOS command would be

I cannot see how to do this in a single step. It seems I need to do a copy then a rename.

BTW - I am just now updating 4 year old Build scripts to use the new 6.1 features. They are very nice. Lots of steps that were missing in the past are making the scripts more readable and easier to maintain. Thumbs up for a great job over the years.

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