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Old 01-13-2005, 09:11 PM
bkonia bkonia is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2004
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My comment about your dictatorial tone has nothing to do with your opposition to my feature request. Anyone is welcome to support or oppose any particular feature request, so long as they provide a good argument in support of their position. For example, if I had submitted a feature request for an embedded email client, you would have been able to argue against that feature on the basis that it would lead to bloatware and that email was not consistent with the purpose of UR.

The reason I said you were being dictatorial was because your argument against hyperlinks was based on the absurd notion that there is only one correct way to use UR --- YOUR way. We are all individuals and we all have our own organizational strategies. What makes perfect sense to me, may not make any sense to you and vice versa. It doesn't mean that I'm right and you're wrong, it just means that we have different approaches. When you try to impose your approach on me, that's being dictatorial.

It seems to me that UR was intentionally designed to be flexible and to accomodate almost any organizational strategy imaginable. Unlike the email example, hyperlinks are indeed consistent with the purpose of UR as they provide the user with an alternate and complementary means of organizing his data. Since UR is a data organization tool, this is consistent with its purpose. So if you don't want to use hyperlinks, don't use 'em....but please don't tell me that I'm wrong for wanting them.

Anyway, this horse has now officially been beaten to death.

'Nuff said!
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