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Old 02-15-2011, 04:19 PM
schferk schferk is online now
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Join Date: 11-02-2010
Posts: 151
OK, I just discovered the "Insert" command there, incredible.

So, I'm just trying "Search for all items on indent levels greater than 2 and having children", then I can assign a special icon to them, and I won't need the "no/yes" column anymore.

This isn't bad at all even if I'd prefer UR's checking of such items have children or not on-the-fly, and have it assign that little curbed arrow to the (normal) icons of those who have, in the children's pane just like in the tree. Another year, perhaps?

But not that bad as it is, UR as a 3-pane outliner is something real special. Congrats even for the current state of affairs!
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