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Old 07-27-2009, 01:07 AM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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Join Date: 10-11-2006
Posts: 482
features I'd like to see

More on the features I'd like to see.

- Better calendar - click a date and see everything associated with that date - created on, accessed on, modified on. Swipe a range of dates and see the same thing for the range. Make it possible for me to have saved calendars.

- Styles that are either HTML/CSS and usable with a text editor or something like dreamweaver, or styles that are understood by MS Office and Open Office.

- Hyperlinks to bookmarks *within* an item. Especially useful for long items.

- Tag cloud to see at a glance the subjects I've got on hand.

- More robust tagging function - ability to see tags as a hover and to click the hover to add, edit or delete tags.

- Searches that understand punctuation marks, thus making #tag different from %tag which is also different from tag. As it is, I'm using numbers, like 3tag, 4tag, tag5, etc. It works, but I'd prefer being able to work with punctuation marks.

- multiple windows as well as multiple tabs.

- an option to create, hoist and lock a new tab in a single action.
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