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Old 03-11-2021, 12:00 PM
Peter-123 Peter-123 is offline
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Join Date: 03-08-2021
Posts: 16
This is for my needs the most unpleasant issue in connection with the highlight color:

Opening and editing a rich text item externally (with MS Word in my case) changes the highlight colors in an extremely ugly way:

My preferred colors are primarily light yellow and light green (see picture Nr. 5).

Already after opening the file in MS Word (via "Item" --> "Open Document") the colors look like in picture Nr. 6: by far too intensive and gaudy. (Only the height of the stripe would be o.k. now.)

And the additional problem:
For some unknown reason it is not possible to change these colors externally (in MS Word)! So I have to make in MS Word the modifications for which I opened the file externally (e.g. certain edits in a table), then I have to go back to Ultra Recall (= "Resume internal editing") and only there I can change back to my desired highlight colors by choosing them in Ultra Recall's editor - with all the shortcomings in the procedure as described in the items 2. and 3. in my first post.
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Last edited by Peter-123; 03-11-2021 at 03:09 PM.
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