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Old 04-17-2006, 04:54 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-26-2003
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Hmm, the problem seems to be that when Microsoft Word is hosted in Internet Explorer (such as when it is used as the rtf editor within Ultra Recall) it insists on saving edited rtf content in the .doc format - even though the saved file still has the .rtf extension.

This uncommanded and unexpected data conversion causes multiple problems for Ultra Recall:
1) keyword parsing may find additional keywords or none at all (as it is expecting .rtf content and not .doc content)
2) Switching back to using the internal .rtf editor will result in existing text to no longer be displayed (you can still view the text externally with Item | Document [menu] or Ctrl+J [keyboard]).

Given this until now un-noticed problem (somehow our testing of the feature allowing MS Word to be used internally missed this crucial issue), you are strongly encouraged to stop using Word as the internal .rtf editor, and follow the steps below to convert your text back to the .rtf format (so it is readable by the internal Rich Text editor).

How to use Microsoft Word to revert your rich text content back to the .rtf format:
1) Navigate to any item containing rich text, then use Item | Document / Ctrl+J to externally edit the content (in Microsoft Word) then in Word use File | Save As, choosing Rich Text Format (*.rtf) as the "Save as type" (without changing the file name!).

This issue will certainly be addressed in the next release of Ultra Recall.
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