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Old 06-08-2004, 03:44 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,015
That does seem a bit slow. On a 1.1Ghz P3 laptop here, with file logging enabled and using the GUI app, a Process Files step (w/ a single Log Message child to log the filenames) for *.exe in C:\Program Files (1270 files) takes about 5 minutes to iterate over all files after the Process Files step has loaded the filenames; the Console app runs the same steps in about 3 minutes. Can you describe the hw/sw configuration of the box in a little more detail?

One alternative method would be to use a single Run Program step with a command of:

%DOSCMD% FOR /R "drive:\path" %%i IN (*.sql) DO osql "%%i" <add'l osql switches>

(see for caveats on the exitcode returned when using FOR).
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