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Old 06-25-2006, 07:33 AM
alx alx is online now
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Join Date: 01-21-2005
Posts: 37
[Others might suggest creating an info item for each company and then linking to each. That would be good for browsing but it would only show up in a search if you searched Lineage specifically. Linking just doesn't work so well for classification purposes.]

Actually, I think this would technically be the "right" way to go about, i.e. creating a folder item for each company and entering "logical links" (clones) of each item related to more than one company.

That's the point of logical links / clones, i.e. to present relationships that don't fit a strict hierarchy, such as many-to-many.

I have used this in my contacts management, maintaining contacts both under a dedicated contacts folder as well as under the specific projects they are involved with. It really saves me time as well as maintaining my project concept.

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