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Old 08-02-2007, 07:21 AM
danson danson is online now
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Join Date: 01-10-2006
Posts: 96
Unhappy I keep losing work...

Firstly I do love UR....

...but no other piece of software has so often caused me to lose my work. Just happened again and I now have that sick-in-the-stomach feeling of losing valuable data that I can't restore.

I know, take backups etc etc but this happens too much.

EVERY time it is to do with my taking an existing document in UR, copying it to a differnt location and then editing it there.

Somehow UR just doesn't seem to have a solid way of making sure it updates the right data item after the document/spreadsheet is saved or it will overwrite the original as well as the copy.

Some begging requests:

1. When the document is saved in Word etc, sync it IMMEDIATELY. Don't wait for the user to change focus in UR to do the sync.

2. When you COPY from one place to another, remove the URL attribute so that the two COPIES aren't actually hardlinked to the same file on the OS filesystem.

3. Before you sync back from the TEMP directory to UR, make an automatic backup copy! This way I could at least get the original from the TEMP folder. May be even just keep backups of all edited documents, cleared when UR exits or every 30 days.

As a data controlling application, preservation and safety of data should be a priority and keeping backup copies of files sounds like a no-brainer to me.

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