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Old 05-01-2007, 06:01 PM
smckeown smckeown is online now
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Join Date: 05-01-2007
Posts: 18
Thanks for the reply.

I reinstalled the software and that 'fixed' the problem in that VBP would start again.

But, as soon as I ran my script, I got an error about the UI. I saved and exited, and now I cannot start VBP again.

I am getting the same "Action" error as before.

Here is the part of my script that is new.

<step action='Group' type='0'>
<description>whomp directories and general clean up before get and build</description>
<name>pre build cleanup</name>
<step action='Process Files' type='0'>
<description>Locate all executable files, excluding those we know are not COM dlls</description>
<indent type='3'>1</indent>
<name>unregister dll and ocx files</name>
<step action='COM Register' type='0'>
<ShowCmd type='11'>-1</ShowCmd>
<Unregister type='11'>-1</Unregister>
<description>Register the matching file</description>
<indent type='3'>2</indent>
<name>unregister it</name>

Any help is appreciated.

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