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Old 05-12-2010, 01:41 PM
Anthony Anthony is online now
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Join Date: 05-03-2010
Posts: 22
Premise: A good program is not the program that has everything, but it is the program that has the essential things, one cannot do without. (Obviously what is an essential thing is not independent from the scope of the program).

UR has already an on-the-fly window that can be made active as an option feature, to chose the item tree in which to paste what is in the clipboard. Mybase+Webcollect has -- more or less-- the same on-the-fly window (but just only for the web: -1). It appears without the the need to have the main program open (even in the portable Mybase version), and which shows tree tabs:
1) the item tree to select (as in the UR option once it is made active),
2) the Mybase file to be used (UR have no choice and paste the clipboard in the last open UR file),
3) a window to insert/change the title and the contents from the clipboard of the new item that is going to be pasted.

Using Win+V that calls the (already present) on-the-fly window with the extra features 2) and 3) will have my +1 point.
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