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Old 12-09-2021, 10:34 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 210
Thank you, PureMoxie, that's interesting news (albeit I don't know then what the -1 and 0 values would mean), and it easily explains why I get, for a very big tree, many very low values here, and values like "1408" and the like just once! ;-)

What I'm looking for, obviously, is a sort according to the inherent "line numbering" you'd get if, in the tree, you'd do "Expand All". (This is a more explicit description than the identical, "Follow the hierarchy in depth, then only navigate to the next sibling", or whatever experts might call it.)


Is there no way I could get such a "filtered tree view", even by means of search results?

There has been a discussion of this subject in this forum in 2007 (!), and then again, another one, in 2017 (!), and Kyle's answers to such demands seem to indicate


But how?

1) I'm in a relative "need" for this functionality for better search-and-consolidate in very big trees (interminable inboxes and the like), where I could thus identify my search results which are NOT yet in their "right place", i.e. within "their" specific sub-tree; some months ago, I mentioned this problem: There are attributes (Direct) Parent and Original Parent, but there is no attribute "Level-1-Parent", so there is currently no way to identify search results by their belonging (or not) to specific (higher-up) sub-trees, and thus, tree-position (not: position within their immediate siblings range: that one might be an attribute easily available but of limited usefulness I would suggest) could at least identify, after some tries, which ones are the search results before the relevant sub-tree, and which ones are the ones below that; currently, they are all mixed up with those which already are at their "correct" position.

2) And I absolutely NEED this, for just trees with a 3-digit number of items, in order to navigate to items deeper-down in the hierarchy (i.e. not on levels 1 or 2, counting the source item as level 0), and especially for all my EXPORT purposes.*

It is obvious that the respective IDs can't help here, since they just indicate the creation date of the item in question.

And, please, Kyle, could you rename this thread into "How to Realize "Filtered View" by Search"?

*=If this is not possible in the end, my whole work-flow breaks!

(And, obviously, the necessary info for that is "somewhere", possibly gathered on-the-fly, since otherwise, it would not be possible to build up the tree, to begin with.)
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