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Old 10-18-2007, 12:23 PM
Jon Polish Jon Polish is online now
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Join Date: 07-21-2006
Posts: 391
Originally posted by Jon Polish
By the way, the repair tool is currently doing its thing. You were correct, it is a much faster way to go. I'll let you know if it repairs the corruption.
This seems to have done the trick. Initially, the repair proceeded relatively quickly through step two. I was very pleased. Then in the last stages of step 2 (the remaining 400MB of the file), it just crawled. When I left the office for the night, it had just under 400MB left. Upon return the next morning (6:40am) about 200MB remained. The process finally finished at 12:15pm. That is a very long stetch for just under 200MB. Maybe that was the part of the file that was corrupted so it took longer.

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