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Old 07-09-2005, 02:54 PM
srdiamond srdiamond is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2004
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 126
Features to Manipulate Large Trees

I like UR's model of a one-file database, but users like me will have to use several database files unless UR incorporates features to manipulate large trees in Data Explorer. The feature outliners have used for this since the 80s is a "hoist" command, where a particular heading is temporarily promoted to the root level, leaving only it and its children. I think UR needs such a feature badly.

There's room for some innovation here. Headings in Data Explorer necessarily occur in small font sizes to accomodate as much as possible at a time on screen. The font sizes of hoisted topics could be larger than on the unhoisted screen, since there's less to display. I think it would be really cool if the font sizes increased according to some reasonable progression, depending on how much of the outline is left. I have never seen this feature any where, so it might not even be possible to implement, just something that would be cool if it can be done readily. Basic hoisting is more a necessity.

Stephen R. Diamond
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