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Old 05-18-2008, 05:54 PM
StephenUK StephenUK is online now
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Join Date: 07-31-2006
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Posts: 143
It seems to me that the request to search across several databases is well made.

I agree that different databases should ideally contain different types of information. But sometimes one later on forgets where one put something, or indeed, simply mis-files.

The ability to search all databases would not mean having to do so all the time! The default would presumably be only to search the current database (or branch of a database), but with the further ability to make a search of all (or perhaps specified) databases by eg ticking a box.

Yes, those searches of all databases would generate more noise, but they would only be made where necessary and the noise would be a small price to pay when wondering in which database one had placed something.

InfoSelect allows searching of several databases when needed and it is a very useful facility. Certain databases or parts of databases can be excluded from a search to keep down noise.
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