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Old 10-20-2005, 07:23 AM
u-winkelmann u-winkelmann is online now
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Join Date: 10-20-2005
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Posts: 5
Exclamation Version 6: User Actions imported from 5.7 not working in existing .bld scripts

I just installed Visual Build Pro 6 to check if its compatible with the 5.7 Version we're currently using. However it seems that the user actions are not working for existing builds anymore. It seems from looking at the source of the sample action that the "Name"-Attribute in the <action>-Tag was removed. However the name-tag was used in the Visual Build 5.7 .bld-Files to identify the action. In Visual Build 6 it seems the filename is used to identify the action, and thus if those two differ the action is not found. Since we're using a lot of custom actions, this is very annoying.
Is there a way to circumvent this problem, without having to rename all custom actions?


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