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Old 05-08-2006, 07:26 AM
sobko sobko is online now
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Problem with Internal Browser (Proxy?)

I am not able to view pages from the internal browser outside my firewall.

I use a Proxy script. I would think that UR would use the exact settings that IE is using. However, I can bring up IE and UR side-by-side, and I can browse using IE but not with UR.

Pages inside the firewall (Intranet) are not a problem.

This also prohibits me from importing HTML pages.

Any ideas?
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Old 05-10-2006, 10:07 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Ultra Recall should use the proxy settings you have configured for Internet Explorer (tested through IE version 6.0). What versions of Windows, Internet Explorer and Ultra Recall are you using?

Can you provide any more details about the actual proxy settings you have defined in IE? With that info we can try to reproduce the behaviour you are reporting...
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Old 11-01-2006, 04:45 AM
UltraUser UltraUser is online now
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Problem with Internal Browser (Proxy?)

Hello there,

I think I have the same issues as sobko reported.
- Unable to navigate using UR's internal browser
- Unable to copy web pages into UR

This only happens for external sites. Intranet sites are okay. Where I work, a corporate script is used in IE to configure the proxy.

I could see that a defect was fixed in version 2.0a related to honoring the scripted proxy settings. I didn't test this version of UR - I'm using the latest 2.0e.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a (hidden) setting somewhere to override the proxy settings (as commonly encountered with so many other software around)?

Many Thx,

PS: Kudos and thanks for your product, it's really great.
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Old 11-01-2006, 07:32 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Ultra Recall version 2.0e has no browser proxy setting related changes from version 2.0d.

Do you have any proxy settings configured in Internet Explorer on the PC in question? If so, what are they?
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Old 11-02-2006, 04:38 AM
UltraUser UltraUser is online now
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Hello Kevina,

Thanks for your reply. Couple of answers:

1) The version I was referring as having a patch for proxy settings is 2.0a (not 2.0d). The post is here:
Although I don't know if this fixes my problem.

2) The script. As I said
"This only happens for external sites. Intranet sites are okay. Where I work, a corporate script is used in IE to configure the proxy."
I don't have access to it, but I guess this is the kind of corporate script with settings only meaningful internally. It contains addresses of internal proxy server. What do you want to do with it from outside?

3) Just to clarify (your clarification isn't clear enough to me;-): does UR have proxy settings specific to it, that are editable by us users?

Many thanks in advance for your help

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Old 11-02-2006, 09:25 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Hmm, sorry for not reading your post very closely

1) the previous changes related to proxy settings have not been updated since versions 2.0a -- 2.0e is the same as 2.0a .

2) After re-reading your post, it appears that a proxy server must not be required for intranet urls, which is why Ultra Recall does successfully displays/imports this content. Ultra Recall must not be honoring the proxy settings that your corporate script is specifying for external urls.

You said "contains addresses of internal proxy server". Does this mean multiple addresses are specified? Are ports also being specified? For what protocols? What version of Internet Explorer is installed?

3) No, currently there is not a way for users to specify alternate proxy settings. What specific settings would you need to enter in your environment?
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Old 11-03-2006, 07:23 AM
UltraUser UltraUser is online now
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Thx for your reply.

I'll have a hard time answering your questions regarding the specificities of the proxy settings I have at work. What I can tell you though:
- We're using IE6
- When using Firefox, I just open the 'Tools / Options / Advanced / Network / Connection / Settings' dialog box and enter into "Manual Proxy Configuration" the HTTP Proxy as "zprox" on port 8080. I also check "Use this proxy for all protocols" and put localhost in "No proxy for" text box.

Incidentally, this is what I refer to when asking whether UR "has proxy settings specific to it". Other software I use also allow for user-configurable proxy settings the way Firefox does. I would expect UR to do the same and not rely on IE settings - or propose both.

Hope this clarifies the matter.

Actually I've found a workaround: I navigate to the internet page I want in UR using IE, save it as *.mht (web archive), and import this *.mht in UR. Trouble is though, this adds a couple of steps in my capture process.

So anytime you come up with a solution, I'll buy it (well, I'll upgrade rather ;-)

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Old 11-03-2006, 09:58 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Manual proxy settings are on our todo list.

In the meantime, another workaround is to use Ctrl+A to select the entire page in IE, then Ctrl+C to copy the selected web page to the clipboard, finally use Ctrl+V in Ultra Recall to paste it into UR.
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Old 11-04-2006, 11:06 AM
UltraUser UltraUser is online now
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Thanks for this. Good to know that manual proxy will be in.

I'll check the Copy/Paste workaround when back at work on monday - not sure it works, precisely because UR won't be able to use the proxy in order to download the elements in the page.

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Old 02-19-2007, 10:35 PM
moku moku is online now
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Originally posted by UltraUser
Thanks for this. Good to know that manual proxy will be in.

I'll check the Copy/Paste workaround when back at work on monday - not sure it works, precisely because UR won't be able to use the proxy in order to download the elements in the page.

Just want to chime in here and say that manual proxy configuration is important to me as well and would be a worthwhile feature for 3.0.
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