02-16-2005, 11:57 PM
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
Version 1.2a
Released on February 17, 2005
New Features & Enhancements
Support dedicated mouse Forward/Back buttons and keyboard Forward/Back/Stop/Refresh/Favorites keys.
Added option on the various Import Wizard pages allowing files to be imported (when not storing contents) without actually retrieving them for keywords, icon or summary information. This allows files to be imported when no network connection is available or without any extra processing.
Bug Fixes
Info Databases with Unicode characters in the filename or path (or with Unicode characters in the user's TEMP path) couldn't be opened by Ultra Recall.
Import: 1) Mozilla/Netscape bookmark files weren't imported properly in all cases; 2) If a MIME document (.eml or similar) had an HTML part before the plain text part, the HTML content was displayed in the Internal Browser Viewer instead of the Mime Viewer; 3) Web pages with URLs that ended in .xml were not treated as HTML but as XML even if they had HTML content.
When last Info Item referencing an icon was permanently deleted, the icon was also deleted. However, this same logic was not occurring if the last Info Item referencing an icon was changed to use a different icon. The fix will remove any user-added icons no longer referenced by any Info Items when changing an item(s) icon attribute.
Error message was displayed for some items where the Info Item's URL attribute was invalid.
Naming an Attribute with the same name as an attribute category caused Ultra Recall to hang.
A default font 8 points or smaller for the Item Details pane (Tools | Options | Editor) sometimes used the wrong size font (i.e., 7.5 points instead of 8 points).
RTF Print Preview header/footer font customizations were not persisted between uses.
After upgrading to version 1.2, the first compact failed with "Sql logic or missing database" error unless a compact + repair was executed first.
Changing the Flag in the Related Items Pane didn't update the selection menu (preventing the Flag value from being reset using that pane).
Revert the Find in Item menu item / shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+F) default search value in the Rich Text editor's Find dialog to the previously used find criteria (instead of using the last Quick Search criteria [introduced in Version 1.2]).
Help button and F1 on the Customize dialog didn't work.