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Old 06-19-2006, 12:05 PM
martys martys is online now
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Join Date: 06-09-2006
Posts: 24
Starting Services

You would think that starting a service is as simple as choosing the right service and selecting the "start" option. I have a subroutine defined to load different databases into SQL Server 2000 for different tests running as an automated test suite after the compiling finishes. I have to stop several services before and start them again after actually running the SQL command to load the database. Stoping the service works just fine, but when I attempt to start the service again, it just sits there until I abort. The service does actually get started again, but VisBuild doesn't seem to recognize that this is happening. running the individual command lines works properly (i.e. "net start ServiceName") and returns to the command prompt.

I have Visual Build Professional 6.1, running on Windows 2003 Server where I'm building.

Last edited by martys; 06-19-2006 at 12:10 PM.
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Old 06-20-2006, 12:00 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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What service(s) are you having problems with? For the next release, we have made some improvements to the Service action that may help (adding a timeout and more regular checking of the status while waiting for startup).
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Old 06-20-2006, 02:51 PM
martys martys is online now
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Join Date: 06-09-2006
Posts: 24
The services in question aren't Windows services (developed in-house), so the likleyhood that telling you their name would help is very small. MAINB1 and FINB1 are the names of the two processes. I think that the more regular checking of the status will solve the problem.
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