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Old 11-14-2007, 02:07 PM
jjinwi jjinwi is online now
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Question Can you indicate if a Note is present?

If there a way...

I have lots of items showing in my data explorer, but I don't know which ones have info in the notes attribute.

Is there a way to configure UR to give a visual cue that a note is present???

Maybe a tiny icon after the name?? Make the item bold??

Here is quick idea how I would use it...
I need to have a new roof installed on my house. In a folder called "New Roof", I have 14 different roofers. (Each is a "web page" object since I got their names from

When I get a quote from a roofer, I enter the info in the note attribute.

I would like to look down my list and see who has given me a quote. (I know I could create a filter... but a simple visual cue would be easier and faster)

Any ideas???


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Old 11-14-2007, 02:28 PM
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choose "item notes" attribute to display in the child items pane of "New Roof" folder
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Old 11-15-2007, 01:22 PM
jjinwi jjinwi is online now
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Originally posted by quant
choose "item notes" attribute to display in the child items pane of "New Roof" folder
Yes I did that, but I still need to click each item in the data explorer to see IF a note is attached to the item.

I would like to quickly scan the items in the data explorer and see which items have (and don't have) a note.

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Old 11-15-2007, 01:51 PM
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Originally posted by jjinwi
Yes I did that, but I still need to click each item in the data explorer to see IF a note is attached to the item.
not for the case you gave as an example, it's enough to click of the "New Roof" to see if any of the child has a note or not.

For the general case, yes, the simple search on note attribute is the answer ... I know you know ... so maybe you wanted to place this to suggestion threads? ;-)

But I don't know why should item note attribute be treated differently that any other attribute ... maybe someone else will want tiny icon after name if "Mileage=25342" ....

This would mean that UR would need to "keep an eye" on item notes and refresh the Data explorer tree accordingly all the time. If this were possible, then we could also have "instant searches" ... where the search would not be executed when you click on it, but after you edit any item all search items would check whether the given item satisfies the condition to add it to that "search result" item.
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Old 11-15-2007, 02:13 PM
janrif janrif is offline
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Re: Can you indicate if a Note is present?

Originally posted by jjinwi
If there a way...

I have lots of items showing in my data explorer, but I don't know which ones have info in the notes attribute.

Is there a way to configure UR to give a visual cue that a note is present??? [snip]
In attributes define (not necessary) a flag as 'having note'
Add flag to those items in explorer

Also flag can changes color of item font so noted items can be seen easily as you scroll explorer

Does that help solve your problem?
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Old 11-16-2007, 09:59 AM
jjinwi jjinwi is online now
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Originally posted by quant
not for the case you gave as an example, it's enough to click of the "New Roof" to see if any of the child has a note or not.

For the general case, yes, the simple search on note attribute is the answer ... I know you know ... so maybe you wanted to place this to suggestion threads? ;-)

But I don't know why should item note attribute be treated differently that any other attribute ... maybe someone else will want tiny icon after name if "Mileage=25342" ....

This would mean that UR would need to "keep an eye" on item notes and refresh the Data explorer tree accordingly all the time. If this were possible, then we could also have "instant searches" ... where the search would not be executed when you click on it, but after you edit any item all search items would check whether the given item satisfies the condition to add it to that "search result" item.
Doah... I wasn't thinking....

I forgot I could just add the "Note" column to the Child Items window.

I am continually amazed at what UR can do :-)

As for the second part of your idea... I use Bonsai Outliner (since it syncs with my Treo) and it will display a small icon next to items that contain a note. This would be a nice addition to UR.

Thanks for your help!!!

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Old 11-16-2007, 10:02 AM
jjinwi jjinwi is online now
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Re: Re: Can you indicate if a Note is present?

Originally posted by janrif
In attributes define (not necessary) a flag as 'having note'
Add flag to those items in explorer

Also flag can changes color of item font so noted items can be seen easily as you scroll explorer

Does that help solve your problem?
Thanks for the suggestion.... I was doing as you suggested... manually setting a flag for each note (It would be nice if you UR could automatically set the flag)

But now I'm just going to use quant's suggestion and add the Note column to the Child Items Window.


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Old 11-16-2007, 11:25 AM
janrif janrif is offline
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When you set up your view, don' t forget to mark it as the default view so it sticks
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