Syntax coloring for VBA?
Is there any way to have UR show syntax coloring for VBA code? I don't see it listed in the set of supported languages for captured code snippets....
UR will syntax color VBScript code in .vb and .vbs files. For other file extensions, you would need to add the extensions to this line in Editor\Schemas\_VBScript.schclass in the UR installation folder:
lexClass: parent:file = <*.vb|*.vbs|*.otherext1|*.otherext2> |
I made the above listed changes and see the code colored in the editor window. However I don't see - unlike other languages like Javascript - code blocks showing the expand/collapse control. Note the difference in the For Next loops in VBA vs. JS....Can this be fixed? Some of my code blocks are big and the collapse button helps alot....:
Unfortunately, code blocks in VBScript aren't very well defined (unlike { } for Javascript), so the parser of the editing component used by UR can't identify blocks in VBScript code.