Subversion Check-out to create Project Folder
Is there a way to pass a command for the subversion Step so it checks out the project creating a parent folder on the file system with the project name and then put all the files inside this parent folder? I followed the Subversion.bld example "Checkout svn" step but it looks like the sub-command "checkout" with the "File/Modules to process" with "trunk" command only creates only a "trunk" folder in the file system without a parent folder with the app name. I actually need this parent folder with the app name so I can differentiate each of my applications for the following steps of my automation project like "build/Run/Deploy". I would like to have the exact same functionality as the Visual Source Safe step "get" command if possible. I am new to subversion so any help is appreciated. Here is my step XML so far: <step action='Subversion'> <Files>trunk</Files> <Host>MI23T4H2.india.corp</Host> <LocalPath>C:\VisualBuild\ProjectsVSS</LocalPath> <Password>Ppfrghty</Password> <Protocol>http</Protocol> <Repository>/svn/UltimateSoftwareClassLibraries </Repository> <SVNPath>C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\bin\</SVNPath> <ShowCmd type='11'>-1</ShowCmd> <Subcommand>checkout</Subcommand> <Username>rodriytr</Username> <indent type='3'>1</indent> <name>Get Subversion US Class Library</name> </step> Thanks, Rodrigo Reboucas |