How Can I Set the UR Window Size?
UR always opens with the same size window. I am currently using a much larger monitor than I was previously and I always expand UR's window to about twice its initial size. I would like to set the default window size to the larger window but I don't know how to accomplish that. I thought that perhaps dragging the window to the preferred size and exiting the program would do this, and it seemed to work at first. Closing and re-opening UR keeps the larger window size, but only for that Windows session. As soon as I restart my computer UR is back to the smaller window size.
Some programs have an INI or DAT file that stores the setup data, like MRU's and such. These often have the window size, but I cannot find that in UR. I most often use Layout 1 and the DAT file for Layout 1 has a lot of positioning data for CommandBars but I can't find anything in their that appears to define the default window size. Kinook, can you tell me where and/or how I can set the default window size for UR? If it is a registry key I have no qualms about editing the registry. Thanks! Jim |