Make VS 2013 with NuGet
I am running into an error when trying to build a solution with VS2013. Our developers are using the NugetPackage manager internally while building their solution in VS2013. Now when I use the Make VS2013 command and try to build it using MSBuild, it fails because its not able to find any of the references and assemblies. However if I first open the solution in VS2013 and build it from there, it gets the Nugetupdates and its builds there successfully. AFter that when I run the build script with the MakeVS2013 command and use MSBuild, it builds successfully.
I need the solution to build on the fly, because I will be exporting code from subversion and then trying to build through Visual Build Pro. How can I get VBP to pick up the Nuget Package references for this to build successfully. Please help. Thanks |