Maximum length of a macro value?
I would like to store the content of a file in a Visual Build macro. Is there any limit of how many chars can be stored? I am thinking if there is a possibility the macro would contain just a part of the file content in case the text is very long. The code is (in RunScript step): strSVNChangesTxtFileInitialBranch=Application.Expa ndMacros("%SVN_CHANGES_TXT_FILE_INITIALBRANCH%") Set scisc = vbld_AllMacros()("SVN_CHANGES_INITIALBRANCH_SPECIF IC_CHANGES") Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(strSVNChangesTxtFileInitialBranch ) scisc.Value = oFile.ReadAll oFile.Close |