is there an option for fixing the tabs?
maybe this quote from the totalcommander help file could tell you what i want to do....
Tabs context menu
Right clicking on the tabs will open a context menu with the following commands:
- Duplicate this tab -> Creates a new tab with the same directory as the current tab.
- Rename/lock tab -> Allows to rename the current tab, and lock it if necessary.
- Lock this tab -> Locks a tab. You cannot change dirs on locked tabs.
- Locked, but directory changes allowed -> Locks a tab. Reverts to the saved dir when switching to a different tab and back, or when clicking the root button. Useful e.g. to save the root of a project.
- Copy tab to other panel -> Create new tab in other panel with current dir.
- Save tabs to file -> Save tab locations, names etc. of current panel to a file.
- Save tabs on both sides to file -> Same command, but for both panels.
- Load tabs from file, keep current -> Load tabs (saved earlier) and append the tabs to the existing.
- Load tabs from file, replace tabs -> Load tabs, but replace all current tabs with the saved tabs.
- Close this tab -> Closes tab on which you right-clicked.
- Close all tabs -> Closes all tabs except for locked tabs. The current dir will be kept.
- Close duplicate tabs -> Closes all tabs pointing to identical dirs. Only one tab for each dir is kept.
in particular i want to see a feature like "Lock tab / Lock tab but dir changes allowed
that would be a great help for navigating through the ur-database.
if there's no such option/feature fell free to take this as a feature request