VS.Net Wb Projects not getting incremented
I just downloaded version 5.2 and I am still getting a problem when trying to increment the version of a web project.
I am using vs.net 2003, visual build 5.2 on windows 200 advanced server. When the make vs.net action goes to increment the versions it locates the wrong web project. The following is the output from the step when it tries to increment the version. Post-processing... D:\Solutions\WebSolutions\RNCSolutions\ServiceDesk Solution\WebSite\WebSite.csproj...(no changes) D:\Solutions\WebSolutions\NGSolutions\IbisProjectS olution\DataAccess\DataAccess.csproj...incrementin g version... D:\Solutions\WebSolutions\NGSolutions\IbisProjectS olution\BusinessObjects\BusinessObjects.csproj...i ncrementing version... D:\Solutions\WebSolutions\NGSolutions\IbisProjectS olution\WebControls\WebControls.csproj...increment ing version... D:\Solutions\WebSolutions\NGSolutions\IbisProjectS olution\NunitTests\NunitTests.csproj...incrementin g version... Notice how the first project it tries to update is in the ServiceDeskSolution. This is wrong. Notice how the other projects are in the IbisProjectSolution. This is correct. Why is it locating a different web project than what it built. Let me know if you need any more infromation. |