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Old 11-20-2005, 11:27 AM
Kim Kim is online now
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Unhappy Copy files bug

I’m using “Copy Files” action to copy a set of files from "Source folder" to "Dest folder". I'm using *.* to include all files in source folder, and have ticked on “Copy subdirectories”. It copies all of my files except for files that do not have any extension. Why?

When using a Command Prompt manually, all files get copied using *.* - shouldn’t wildcards in VBP behave the same?

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Old 11-21-2005, 08:54 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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You're right, it does skip files without an extension when using *.*. We intended to emulate the regular wildcard behavior, but it looks like that slipped by (due to the complexity of the action, it can't leverage the wildcard logic in the Windows APIs). Apparently very few are using that syntax or there aren't many non-extension files out there, as you're the first one to notice it. As a workaround, you can simply use a blank include field or * instead.
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