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Old 12-01-2005, 04:03 PM
jdavidi jdavidi is online now
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Copied text from SourceSafe editor pastes wrong into Script Editor (6.0)

Hello again,

Another 6.0-specific issue. I copy/paste text somewhat regularly from our SourceSafe files into the Script Editor when I'm setting up variables (I open text files, sql files, and javascript files through the SourceSafe editor). Any text copied from any of these file types pasted fine into the 5.7/5.5 script editor, but any amount of text pasted into the 6.0 script editor gets /pasted fine in 5.7, but no matter the amount of text copied gets a few dozen "empty" characters (those hollow rectangles you see at the bottom of the Windows character map) appended to it.

I don't suppose there's some script window setting I can toggle to make this go away? Not a huge problem, just a tad annoying.


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Old 12-01-2005, 04:52 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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It appears that the SourceSafe editor includes a bunch of trailing NULL chars when copying to the clipboard, and the editor component we use erroneously includes the null chars when pasting (although they show up as spaces here rather than hollow rectangles).

We've reported the problem to the vendor of the editing component. It sounds like it may already be fixed in an internal build, so we should have a fix fairly soon.

It appears that the null characters get removed after closing and re-opening the script editor. One other workaround you can use for now is PureText [1], which strips the trailing nulls when pasting.

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