While investigating this, we found that there is a bug in handling of nested script expressions that reference the Step, FailedStep, or LastStep objects. In VBP v6, the value of the FAILSTEP_NAME system macro is the script expression [FailedStep.Name]. Your build rule is itself a script expression; with macros expanded [FailedStep.Name] is a nested expression within it, and the bug prevents FailedStep from being evaluated properly. One workaround would be to use
FailedStep.Name (no quotes) in place of "%FAILSTEP_NAME%" in your build rule expression to eliminate the nested script expression. We've also patched the main download with a fix for the problem. Finally, just FYI, another way (in v6) to approach selective building of failure steps depending on the step that failed would be to specify a failure step subroutine to build for the various project/subroutine steps that require different failure steps to be built. |